Patras, Greece
23 – 24 July 2012
The Complimentary Course 2012 on business management addresses issues on intellectual property (IPR), entrepreneurship and business development. This course will be aimed at getting the students to think about how novel ideas can be commercialised, with special examples drawn from three areas: SHM, wind energy, sensors. It will involve a staged series of exercises which move from vision and idea to definition of work to be done; through protecting intellectual property, raising finance, marketing and sales. The whole series engages the researchers by getting them to work in teams and develop a business-plan guided by the training team. They use case studies delivered by entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Business plans are presented to a panel of three judges (including one venture capitalist), followed by a brainstorming session to review the skill-set acquired and it application.
Please note that the complimentary course is only for SYSWIND researchers and mandatory for all SYSWIND ESRs.